Brazil’s vice-president spilled the beans on Sunday, hinting at Toyota’s game-changing move – a whopping $2.2 billion investment over the next few years in the vibrant South American nation. The big reveal is slated for Tuesday, promising a major boost to Toyota’s footprint in Brazil.

Toyota kept its lips sealed on Sunday, responding to earlier reports about fresh investments with a straightforward statement. The automaker stated it had no comments to share regarding any potential plans, leaving us in suspense about their next moves. Looks like Toyota’s playing it cool for now!

Brazil’s VP, Geraldo Alckmin, just revealed that Toyota’s big investments will be unveiled at an event in their Sorocaba factory, São Paulo state. Geraldo Alckmin spilled the beans that these investments from Toyota are not just about money. They’re planning to create 2,000 jobs and roll out some brand-new car models.

According to Lauro Jardim, the columnist from O Globo, Toyota is gearing up to produce something special in their Sorocaba unit. Get ready for a hybrid car and a sleek SUV, though the exact models are still a mystery.

Guess who’s joining the investment party in Brazil? Toyota is stepping up to the plate, following in the footsteps of big players like Volkswagen, General Motors, and Hyundai Motor. It’s like the global automakers are all putting their chips on the Brazilian automotive table this year!